Analogy of myths and management lessons

In Greek Mythology Icarus, The son of Daedalus who, in escaping from Crete on artificial wings made for him by his father flew so close to the sun that the wax with which his wings were fastened melted and he fell into the Aegean Sea and perished.

In the Indian mythology Vayuputra Hanuman, flew high to eat the sun and fell down but became immortal and is considered an epitome of resolve, devotion, intelligence and wit.

Drawing parallels for some management lessons, the story of Icarus tells us that the risks innovation leaders take are real. The common saying is that if you reach for the stars you might not get one, but you will not come up with a handful of mud either.

The harsh reality is that if you reach for the stars you might crash horribly. So innovation leaders take risks seriously: they acknowledge their fears and attempt to mitigate their risks, spread their risks, or consciously take them. Courage is required, as is the acceptance that failure could be a consequence.

Hanuman had a curse that caused him to forget his powers. When we read the Ramayana there was a short mention of how Hanuman had forgotten his powers and would only remember them if someone reminded him. It allowed Hanuman to control his powers until he could put them to use at the right time.

There are many of us whose thoughts are imprisoned in the labyrinths created in our own minds and we need a mentor or right ally to realize our powers. Sometimes it could be a unrelated person who makes a fleeting comment and it creates a spark for fire to ignite within you. So look for the spark , don’t wait!



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